Wednesday, May 27, 2009

broken dream

last night i stayed up pretty late till 4 something
just to watch the champions league final live from Sadio Olimpico, Rome
yesterday everyone was discussing about it in college, hehe
luckily today i only have 1pm class, so its okay for me to watch it
but too bad lah, Barcelona beat Manchester United with the score of 2-0
and they won the European Cup title
but i have to admit that Barcelona is a good team
they're good in passing ball, amazing skills!
i feel sad for United actually
they failed to match Liverpool's 3 titles in the competition
but still, they did try their best for last night match
because Barcelona defended quite well, so it kinda hard for United to score

the opening ceremony. nice stadium and its fully seated =D
the shinny trophy of Champions league!! Thierry Henry with the trophy, he is still that gengronaldo's reaction after he failed a chance to score againgood job for van de sar for saving the ball =Dthey looked disappointed and upset lah i think
the champions goes to BARCELONA!!!

im going off to college, so thats all for now
and its raining like cats and dogs now
logs off =D

new semester, new me!!

now im a year 2 student, so fast right? time flies
but i dont really look like a senior at all, hahaha
and i dont really like my new semester timetable
because i have to wake up damn early everyday
9am class for 5 days continuously,wth!
its gonna be a hectic semester for me
must study hard and try not to hang out that often with friends
hahaha but it is hard to prevent myself not being hong sou
and that business law really drives me crazy!!
but the lecturer is funny, and he speaks softly, a very polite MAN =D
btw i finished watching gossip girl season 2 during my holidays
i like the ending, chuck and blair is finally together
but i hope dan and serena can be together too, i dont know why, haha
i just like to see them dating together =)
i cant wait for the season 3
currently im watching prison break season 4, michael!!!
who has the dvd for korean version of meteor garden?!
lend me pleaseeeee =D

she is pretty, aint her?! hehe
chuck bass!! omg he is so sweeeettt!!! =)
the most gorgeous blake lively!! hot hot HOT

p/s: haha actually now im waiting to watch the champions league finale,1 more hours till the match starts, pray hard for Manchester United, hope they will win the champions!!*crossing fingers* ..Glory MU!!

103 days
since you been gone
nothing ever changes
there will always a part of you
be with me in my life

Sunday, May 24, 2009

girlfriends and boyfriends

currently not really feel like blogging
and gonna be busy soon since school starts tomorrow
i will try to update as much as i can =)

13 May 2009

out with another group of friends, bio class tuition friends
glad that we all still keep in touch =)
qi and wei jin couldn't make it because they were busy with their thing
so total 6 of us, ksp, hang, jie yong, lyk, sze yee and me
pok followed us too, since he got nothing to do at home again, haha
then jeressa and angeline joined us too
we had 3 hours of singing session at redbox
why always no lyrics for english songs!!! DOWN!!
wanted to sing heartless, love game, crush and few songs
but all without lyrics!!
bumped into gandhi and his friends at redbox too, hahaha
after that, we bought the famous XXL crispy chicken
i think its way better than UNCLE BOB!!! =P
then, we watched Angels and Demons
sze yee didnt join us as she watched that movie before already
thats a nice movie, it is worth to watch it
i love the story line, damn yeng, hahaha
after movie, lyk met up with his friends, chang chieh and wen qing them
so ksp, hang, pok and me off to fettes park for that so-called-famous western foods
but i think its just okay, not really that delicious and quite expensive okay?!
thanks hang to be our driver of that day
i was tired, but it was fun to hang out with them, girlfriends and boyfriends

group picture

jer, jieyong and me

good luck and all the best
im trying

Monday, May 18, 2009

we're the CHAMPIONS, AGAIN!!!

congratulations to MANCHESTED UNITED!!!!
yeah they won the title of English Premier League 2009/2010
after had the results 0 - 0 draw with arsenal
this is the first time i blog about my favourite sports, football and
my favourite team, Manchested united
i been supporting them since i was young, around 8 or 9 years old
i got influenced by my brother and father
and i remembered i was a super fans of DAVID BECKHAM and ALAN SMITH!
well, now both of them are playing for other clubs
but still, im a die hard red devil fans, forever =D
yeah, i got those pictures from the united official website

rio ferdinand
carlos tevez
lets celebrate =)
wayne rooney!!
the korean guy, park ji sung
we're the champions
last but not least,charming prince, mr cristiano ronaldo

sorry, i couldn't find the english version for the trophy presentation

you're steven gerard, i know =)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

shining friends

12 May 2009

was planned to go hiking on that day with hoay and lyh
but they said they wanna go shopping at the very last minutes
so okay,we off to queensbay mall
and astina was working that time
thanks for the free drinks of starbucks
it tastes good and i like it =)

free drinks of the day =D
i forgot whats the name of that drink, haha

thats hoay, with her so called obvious dimples

lyh, cared about the news, huh?

been walking around the mall for a while
but suprisingly,we didnt buy anything
just some window shopping, save money right?
we left there around 5 something
because lyh had to pick up her bro who just came back from KL at 7pm

13 May 2009

another day out with my friends
four of us, april, lyh, hoay and me went to redbox for 3 hours singing session
lyh was pretty hyperactived on that day
liked to disturb us when we were singing, haha
we bumped into pei shan and her friends there too, such a coincidence =D

peishan!!! she's so pretty and gorgeous, aint she?
group photo 1
group photo 2

opps,hoay's face got covered by her handphone, haha
i think this is better than previous one =)

afterthat, went to coffee island to meet up with astina and yong sin
astina finished work at 4pm, so we decided to meet up there at 7pm

lyh in the house
they were trying to download the latest msn msgr by using lyh's handphone
but still failed, hahaha

6 of us
with april cool
astina with april
hoay and april
yes, the loving couple

special guest on that day, mr evan ho
just knew him on that day
and we were trying to matchmaker him with someone, hahahaha
we actually thought that he is astina's cousin
because they have the same surname, HO!!
but actually he is not her cousin and we got fooled by both of them, down!

thats evan ho, our new friend
wolverine lang!!
u two can marry already lah, hehehe
hoay and me, but without april in this picture
a happy outing with them =)

p/s: thanks to those who cared about me for my previous post. yeah everything is fine now, nothing happened and sorry for letting you guys worried about me. you guys are so sweet, thanks =P

Thursday, May 14, 2009

where'd you go?!

its 2am now
im suppose lying on my bed and
dreaming of my charming prince now
tomorrow have to wake up early and back to college also
but i cant sleep, wth
im so damn worry about him
where'd you go??!!
why the call couldnt reach to you?
why you didnt pick up the phone?
please, faster back home
i miss you so much, daddy
everyone went out to look for you
im home alone now
and im still waiting you back home
do you know that?
i hope ang kong will po pi you
nothing gonna happen on you

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

received this email from my friend
it is talking about jay chou and his mum
and i think it is very touching so i decided to post it here to share with everyone
because jay chou is one of my favourite artist, haha =D

周杰倫來自破裂家庭「媽媽用愛 付出一切」

周杰倫,萬千青少年為他的歌聲而癡迷、崇拜的一位天皇巨星,對母親葉惠美有著似海深情,因為在他最孤獨最無助的時候,是媽媽用溫 愛的臂膀支撐著他。所以周杰倫一直說,「只要媽媽高興,我願意為她付出一切!」



   為了培養杰倫的音樂素質,葉惠美主張拿出家裏全部積蓄為杰倫買一架好鋼琴,請最好的鋼琴老師為杰倫輔導。而杰倫的爸爸則認為不必這麼認真,男孩子嘛,隨 意一點,沒必要拿出全部積蓄投資。最後,葉惠美還是背著丈夫為杰倫買了一架鋼琴,弄得杰倫爸很不高興。小學三年級時,杰倫偶然聽到世界名曲《天鵝湖》,被 大提琴憂傷淒美的曲調迷住了,葉惠美沒和丈夫商量又為杰倫購買了大提琴。






周杰倫初中二年級時,父母終於離婚。 14歲的周杰倫寫道:「爸爸媽媽彼此沒有愛,難道這就是生命的真諦?」沉默、倔強和叛逆已經塑造了另一個周杰倫。



   因為彈得一手好鋼琴,拉得一手好大提琴,又時常活躍在籃球場上,周杰倫成為許多女同學關注和談論的對象。但是,周杰倫卻常常面無表情,很少露出一絲笑 容,除了音樂成績出類拔萃以外,其它科目成績幾乎全線紅字,老師們紛紛認為他智力低下,他的英語老師甚至直言不諱對葉惠美說周杰倫有智力障礙。葉惠美陷入 了深深的思索,她還是決定要把杰倫培養成才,至少當一個鋼琴師吧。葉惠美沒有指責杰倫,她認為杰倫走到今天冷漠、叛逆的地步是家庭的不和睦造成的,並且深 信自己的孩子沒有智力障礙,於是她嚐試用姐弟式的關心來「馴服」周杰倫,規定自己「三不」:不嘮叨、不指責、不脅迫兒子。




   病緩解一些後,周杰倫到一家餐廳打工,作為端盤工的他因為時常打翻菜盤,每個月的工資幾乎被扣掉了一半。餐廳中有一台鋼琴,一次閒暇時周杰倫彈了一曲 《肖邦舞曲》,把老闆驚呆了,老闆靈機一動,叫周杰倫不要端盤子了,就在餐廳彈琴,然後請來電視台記者炒作,不但使得餐廳生意火爆起來,還節約了一大筆請 鋼琴師的費用。

葉 惠美感受到了杰倫的音樂潛能,她替兒子在台北星光電視台娛樂節目「超猛新人王」報了名。周杰倫精心創作了一首歌曲《夢有翅膀》,但他對自己的演唱實在沒信 心,請了一位歌手演唱。演唱者不能理解他的曲風,而他的鋼琴伴奏又顯得怪異,弄得台下聽眾噓聲一片,初出茅廬的一場表演徹底搞砸了。

   葉惠美急了,性格內向的她鼓起勇氣找到了主持人吳宗憲,把《夢有翅膀》的曲譜拿給他看。吳宗憲當時是台灣阿爾發音樂公司的老闆,他對周杰倫的第一印象並 不好,應付似的拿起曲譜掃了一眼,卻是眼睛一亮,歌譜不僅抄寫得工工整整,而且譜得十分複雜。慧眼的他立即改變了主意:「這孩子還可以,明天叫他到我公司 來上班!」

   周杰倫進了音樂公司任音樂製作助理,在媽媽的鼓勵下,每天主動幫同事們買盒飯,大家對這個沉默寡言但又勤快的小伙子有了好感。而葉惠美總擔心杰倫冷漠而 倔強,又不善言辭,生怕他無意中把老闆和員工們得罪了,於是常常在下班時間站在公司門口,準備一些可口的比薩、炸雞送給員工,請他們包涵杰倫。一來二往, 葉惠美對公司員工比周杰倫還熟悉,同事們都知道周杰倫有一個好媽媽。

   周杰倫很快創作出大量的歌曲,但讓吳宗憲感到不可理解的是,他創作的歌詞總是怪怪的,音樂圈內幾乎沒有人喜歡。一次,周杰倫又拿著自己的得意之作送給吳 宗憲審讀。這次吳宗憲連看都不看,便將那首歌曲揉成一團,隨手丟進身邊的垃圾桶裡去了。周杰倫的眼淚禁不住流了出來。

   是放棄還是繼續?媽媽每天來公司門口已經成為一道風景線,如果放棄,太對不起媽媽了,周杰倫硬著頭皮支撐著,他吃住都在辦公室,以每天一首歌的速度進行 創作。葉惠美每天晚上都到公司看望杰倫,望著日漸消瘦的兒子,她強忍著不讓自己的淚水流出來,儘量說一些鼓勵的開心的話,然後將杰倫換下的髒衣服拿回去洗 乾淨。一連一個多月,吳宗憲每天早上八點鐘上班時,總能準時見到周杰倫新的作品。終於,他被這位小伙子的勤奮和天賦深深地感動了,他「嗅」出了周杰倫的歌 曲隱隱有一種味道,答應找歌手演唱他創作的歌曲。

   吳宗憲將周杰倫的《眼淚知道》推薦給天王歌星劉德華,劉德華看了一眼就拒絕了。不久,又將他的《雙節棍》推薦給火爆華語歌壇的張惠妹,沒料想,張惠妹也 毫不猶豫地拒絕了。吳宗憲決定給周杰倫最後一次機會,讓他自己演唱自己創作的歌曲,如果這樣也不行,他就只好請周杰倫走人了!他將周杰倫叫到辦公室,十分 鄭重地說:「阿倫,給你 10天的時間,如果你能寫出50首歌,而我可以從中挑出10首,那麼我就幫你出唱片。」


 周杰倫熬紅了雙眼如約寫出了50 首歌曲,而且每一首都寫得結構合理,譜得工工整整。吳宗憲終於有了讚許的笑容,他挑選出10首,2001年初製成了周杰倫的第一張專輯《杰倫》。

   公司對這張唱片沒抱多大希望,能收回製作成本就算不錯了。然而《杰倫》橫空出世後,猶如一場猛烈的颱風橫掃台灣,很快被歌迷搶購一空。《杰倫》一舉奪得 台灣當年最佳流行音樂演唱專輯、最佳製作人和最佳作曲人三項大獎。《杰倫》的成功讓公司始料不及,讓台灣的歌星們大跌眼鏡,紛紛詢問哪裏冒出來的周杰倫? 如果說第一張專輯小有成就的話,那麼,周杰倫第二張專輯《范特西》已經形成了風暴,席捲了大陸、港台、東南亞整個華語歌壇,各種大獎紛至沓來。

   周杰倫終於成功了,他深深明白,沒有媽媽黑暗中明燈般的溫暖,他支撐不到今天,媽媽為他一直未再嫁,點點滴滴都是舐犢之情。他將所有的收入都交給媽媽掌 管,儘管自己有了公寓,每個週末依然回家,同媽媽、外婆一起享受天倫之樂。葉惠美更是百感交集,當年丈夫的譏諷、老師的搖頭、生活的艱辛都隨風而去。

   葉惠美退休後,周杰倫總擔心媽媽寂寞,只要在台灣,他都回家同媽媽住在一起。週末時,他會約上媽媽一起去看午夜場的電影,媽媽喜歡看經典片,周杰倫就陪 著看,而周杰倫喜歡看的前衛片,葉惠美也陪著兒子看,幸福的暖流縈繞在母子心間。周杰倫的第四張專輯就叫《葉惠美》,這是兒子獻給母親的禮物。

i always love you, mwahs =D
i know i should not let you worry about me all the time
i will learn to be independent and take care of myself

p/s: Happy Birthday to zi lin..may your dreams come true in ur life and wish you have a wonderful and unforgetable sweet nineteen birthday =D..maybe we should hang out someday to play handball again? haha

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

the sniper ; new world park

finally im blogging again
my blog is dead, haha
because the owner of the blog had eye infection few days ago
and my pc was down for few days too, bad luck right?
im happy that my eye is getting better now
erm this gonna be kinda draggy post, 2 weeks ago i guess, opps

25 April 2009

finally,had our last paper on that day
say goodbye to exam and welcome, my holidays!!!
then my friends decided to watch the sniper after exam
yeah them again, lyh, hoay and april
astina and yong sin couldn't join us
because astina had to fetch her mum to somewhere else i think
headed to gp, bought the tickets and had our dinner at kimgary!!
and we nearly late for our movie
i think that movie is nice, for me lah =)
with hot actors especially edison chen and huang xiao ming
and their shooting skills is cool and pretty accurate
now i feel like wanna try play paintball if have an opportunity, hehe

hoay and april

she wants huang xiao ming, i want edison!!

okay after movie, i left earlier to meet sher at pcghs
we planned to go our ranger campfire!!
oh wanna say sorry to ksp, she purposely came to meet me
but she was not allowed to go into school due to her attire
had catched up with each other for a while
yeah i miss those time we were busy preparing campfire and training camp
at last i didnt go coffee island with ree lee them
but my car was blocked by some parent's car
so i had to wait till the whole campfire function finished
its happy to meet some of my juniors =D

campfire burning..campfire burning
evonne, sher, sin yee and shu pei

ex- ranger ajk, but without yen wei, debbie and caca

28 April 2009
afternoon went to permata for badminton with lyh and yee yean
and night went to new world park and gurney with them again

bbq chicken =)
her hair is as long as mine? LMAO!

while waiting for their dinner
do we look alike? someone said we look alike, haha
we ordered the same set of meal, its daily special set

ksp met us for a while
then left earlier with hang for movie =)
sweet sweet couple
i beh tahan lyh!! hrmpz

show girl of carlo rino which is from tokyo, hehe
gurney drive
i think she likes this picture, but i've no idea
dont emo lah, smile please
M and H, hohoho
the white team, i mean the colour of shirt
four of us
end of the day =P